Monday, 6 March 2017

The doctors office continues to be a popular spot in our PlayZone

The doctors office continues to be a popular spot in our PlayZone. Mrs Guerin managed to get a hold of some real doctor equipment to add to our play. This new equipment gained a lot of attention from many of the children this morning.
Quickly children that would only be the doctor before were now acting out different roles and our children mixd up and we saw new relationships forming between their role play.

Charlie asked for some paper and a clipboard to record the names of patients in the waiting room so that he can get the right order to see the doctors. So I printed him some doctor patient forms and handed them over. Charlie sat at the front desk and quickly Mr and Mrs arrived. This was a husband and wife couple that were due to have their baby. Brooke was acting as the husband and she had to fill out the forms for her wife. Then Charlie checked the form and sent them through to the waiting room. 

Poor Joshua had been waiting in the waiting room for so long that he found his own bandage and fixed his broken leg himself. 

StarR also was pregnant and Doctor Aria was the one who delivered the baby. Their was great discussion around how the baby was going to come out. StarR thought that the Doctor should cut the baby out and Aria thought that she could pull the baby out. They both decided that the best thing for the baby would be to pull it out so we dont cut it body at all.

When dramatic play involves a social group, Smilansky calls it sociodramatic play. Children engaging in it may agree on a joint vision (Let's play that i'm the doctor and you are sick"), but as they assume roles and narratives emerge, new directions evolve. The play process weaves a story that transcends the specific topic chosen and has layers of meaning for the players.

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