Today in the Play Zone we were learning how to take turns.
Lily had brought in a special bow and arrow from home to show the class and she decided she was going to share it with anyone that wanted to have a turn. The children lined up beautifully waiting for their turn and Lily spend a lot of time teaching each child how to hold and shoot the arrow.
Lena shared all of her soft toys and the 4 girls took turns with the different animals.
Cooper and Andrew took turns with the musical instruments outside.
Some of the boys got out the pipe to race their hot wheel cars down. This was a tricky activity to share because only one person at a time can use it. At the start we were all too excited and we all wanted to be touching the pipe and racing, this meant that the pipe was getting picked up from both ends and moved around uncontrollably.
Mason naturally stood up as a leader during this activity and the others listened to him because they knew that he had asked for the pipe out. Once we had a leader the game calmed down and all children got a turn and they all started to have fun together.
Jess excitedly told us tonight about Lily's bow & arrow....which is now on the top of her 'birthday list' :)