Thursday, 3 August 2017

Bamboo Measurement

Today Kodi, Charlie and Jedd were playing outside in our loose parts yard. I have got a hold of bamboo shafts and placed some outside for the children to explore. 

I tried to sit back and observe the boys in their play. It is so important that the adults stays as a facilitator and only interferes if necessary. I watched and listened. I heard "my one is taller than yours" "but if I stand on my toes my one is longer" "look how long my stick is if I reach up higher"

The boys went on to standing ontop of different leveled objects to see who could get their stick to be the tallest. Then they realised that it was not a fair comparison to be standing on different objects. "Hey but my one is taller if we are both standing on the ground". They problem solved together and came to a conclusion that it would be fair only if they all stood on the same height object (the bench).

Then their game of comparison turned into dramatic play where the boys were fishing over the wall and catching different sized fish. When the fish was big they had to pull hard and if it was small it would just come up quickly.

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