Sunday, 12 February 2017

Te Kete Wakahuia (TKW) Term 1

Term 1 Newsletter 2017
A warm welcome to you all - new and returning learners and whanau. We are looking forward to getting to know you over the next few weeks as you get to know us.

Our team:
  • Mrs Helen Griffin - Assistant Principal/Team Leader - Ruma Wha New Entrants
  • Mrs Liz Longley - Ruma Toru New Entrants
  • Miss Jay Stella - Ruma Rua Year 1/2
  • Mrs Amy Guerin - Ruma Tahi Year 1/2
  • Ms Gwenna Finikin - Literacy intervention and ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages)

In 2017 we would like to introduce you to our WORKSHOP ZONES and PLAY ZONES. Learning and the practising of learning will be occurring in all the rooms with explicit teaching through workshops in the WORKSHOP ZONE, and play-based learning occurring in the PLAY ZONE. Your child will access the full curriculum through participating in these key learning environments. Mrs Guerin and Miss Stella are the facilitators in both Ruma Tahi (PLAY ZONE) and Ruma Rua (WORKSHOP ZONE). Mrs Longley and Mrs Griffin are the facilitators in both Ruma Toru (WORKSHOP ZONE) and Ruma Wha (PLAY ZONE). We will be having an open evening later in the term where we will share more information with you.

Our inquiry investigation this term is Whanaungatanga where we will explore building and maintaining relationships with others, learning, working and playing together, and participating in a range of shared experiences within our kete, our school and the community. We will be meeting our buddy class each Friday from 1:45-2:45 as part of this inquiry. We also have an EOTC (Education Outside The Classroom) focus which includes biking, basketball, golf, swimming and a whole school trip to Masterton on Friday 24 February.

Whanau Wall - Please bring a photo of your family for our classroom wall.  This can be emailed if easier.

Swimming - The classes will be swimming for the first 5 weeks of this term. Your child will need to be ready for swimming everyday:
  • togs, towel (goggles optional) - all named, it is a good idea to name clothing and shoes/sandals as well
  • swimming bag (plastic bag) for the wet togs and towel to go in after swimming
Please tell the teacher (verbally, note, email, text) if your child is not going to be swimming.
Year 1-2 swimming sports will be on Thursday 23rd February 1:30-2:45.

The beginning of the day - a bell will ring at 8:30am for the children to come into school, hang up their bags and get ready for their day. A bell at 8:50 indicates the start of our learning time for the day.
Absences - Please contact the school in the morning if your child is going to be away. This can be done by phoning the office, texting or using the Hokowhitu School app.

The end of the day - To help us to keep your child safe, please let us know who is going to be picking your child up from school. Generally this person is the same each day, however if there is going to be a change, or your child is leaving early, let the classroom teacher know. As learning and teaching continues through to 3:00pm, please wait outside the classroom as the children become distracted when others enter the room.

Bookbags - Each child in TKW must have a book bag. They will bring their book bag home each night with letters (to learn and practise letter sounds), heart words (words they must recognise instantly and spell), and maybe books to be read by you, with you or to you. Find a quiet place where they can practise their learning. Help them if they get stuck. Talk to them about their learning and help them to see letters and words everywhere.
Please fill in their yellow learning log and make sure the book bag with all it’s contents comes back to school everyday.

Hats - As we are in the summer months, your child must have a hat to wear at school for when we are outside. You are able to purchase hats from the office for $10.00.

Water only - Your child will need a bottle of water at school each day - these will be in classrooms for them to access at any time. As the water runs out, your child will be able to refill their bottle from the taps at school.

Healthy snacks - Our first learning session at school runs from 8:50 to 11:00. At approximately 10:00 we will have a short break when your child will have a small healthy snack from their lunchbox which will see them through to morning tea. We ask that lollies remain a treat for at home please.

Footwear - Your child will be taking their shoes on and off throughout the day. They will place their shoes under where they hang their bags. Elastic(stretchy) laces and velcro fasteners are very helpful as your child learns how to tie shoelaces and manipulate buckles. In the winter terms, the children will remove their shoes everyday before entering the WORKSHOP and PLAY ZONES.

Communication - We will share what we have been learning on a blog. This can be accessed through the website
There is also the Hokowhitu School app which you can download.  You can use this to report absences and check any notices or reminders.  The oldest child in the family receives a paper copy of the newsletter every Friday and these are also on the school web site. Drop off and pick up times can be busy so please feel free to email us if we don’t get a chance to catch up.

Do come and see your child’s learning happening in their WORK ZONE and PLAY ZONE, they love to share what they have learned, as do we.


Helen Griffin, Liz Longley, Jay Stella, Amy Guerin, Gwenna Finikin

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