Sunday, 2 July 2017

Matariki Scavenger Hunt- Jessica

Look at what Jessica did over the weekend!
 She started to tick off her Matariki Scavenger Hunt. We really hope that this little activity gave you and your child some special time together. A large part of Matariki is about coming together with whānau and spending time with loved ones. How many activities were you able to cross off?

If you have any photos please send them to Miss Stella on the Class Dojo and I can add them to our blog to share with other families :) 


  1. This was the first thing Jess talked about after school Friday, so it was quite a wait until nightfall! We had so much fun rugging up warm & 'hunting' in the dark. What an awesome idea, thank you to Jess' amazing teachers for sparking some different family fun activities! Aroha nui!

  2. Wow Jess these photos are awesome - well done to you and your family!!
